August 12, 2013

Video: International Day 2011

International Day, one of our favorite annual events, is only four days away! Hundreds of international students will be gathered for food, fun, and getting plugged in to local organizations this Thursday, August 15th, Check out this video from International Day 2011 and get excited!

August 3, 2013

Recommended Read: God is Doing Something Historic by David Garrison

An excerpt from Garrison’s book, A Wind in the House of Islam, this article, entitled God is Doing Something Historic, explains the astounding movement of God’s hand upon the Muslim people throughout the world. Those interested in history will appreciate Garrison’s grasp on the movements of Christianity in Muslim areas since the Colonial era.  Anyone with their heart on the Great Commission will be challenged and excited by the staggering fact that “more than 86 percent of all the Muslim movements to Christ… have occurred in the last 12 years.”

Garrison presses in on the fact that now, more than ever, is the time to mobilize and spread the Gospel into the dark places where Islam has had its 1,000 year reign. As Garrison puts it, these movements are not and will not be isolated to “one or two corners of the world,” but that “In Africa, in the Persian World, in the Arab World, in Turkestan, in South Asia and in Southeast Asia, something is happening, something historic, something unprecedented.” 

Educate yourself more about God's sovereign plan for the lost and broken! Read “God is Doing Something Historic” at Garrison's book is slated to come out at the end of this year. To learn more about the book itself, visit

We at School to the Nations highly recommend Mission Frontiers’s articles on this and other issues. To read more articles about God’s hand on the people of Islam, visit Mission Frontiers’s July/August 2013 issue entitled A Historic Wind is Blowing Through the House of Islam” 

*All quotations are taken directly from linked article*